Let's Give It #Meaning...

COD – Collaborative Ontology Development is an Intelligent Collaborative #Labeling Platform that provides Digital Trust to the Definition and Evaluation of Services, Products, and Content by combining Machine Learning and Human Collective Intelligence.

1. Scan

Scan the QR-CODe or click on the link provided to you for giving feedback

2. Sign up/in

Sign up/in for free with your email address and the provided Pin-CODe

3. Vote

Vote on different aspects (#Labels) of the experienced services and products

4. Gain

Gain credibility and spendable CODCoins from your honest feedback

5. Spend

Spend your CODCoins on the invited services and products

A Briefing on COD





Entity Categories


Votes Given


Aspects (#Label Categories)


CODCoins Exchanged


CODed (#Labeled) Entities


Unique #Labels Assigned



COD Gamification

CODers gain Credibility and CODCoins based on the correctness of their #Labeling activities. Having higher Credibility on the evaluation of each specific aspect (#Label) makes them more influential when evaluating the same aspect on other services, products, or content – this is because the weight of their Vote on each specific #Label is calculated by COD’s engine based on their Credibility for that specific aspect.

CODers with higher Credibility on a specific #Label are also able to spend their CODCoins in exchange for real money in their wallet when they evaluate similar #Labels of a different service, product, or content that they have been invited to give their feedback on them.

CODers Expertise Levels

For every #Label that a CODer contributed to it, the Expertise Level Badge is given by COD.

  • Novice CODer: Under 20% Credit
  • Advanced CODer: 20%-40% Credit
  • Competent CODer: 40%-60% Credit
  • Proficient CODer: 60%-80% Credit
  • Expert CODer: 80%-100% Credit

COD Solutions for Businesses

1. Join The COD Businesses Community (for only 25 euros one-time Payment)

– Create a COD page making your business accessible online including:

1) an “Evaluation” page with all the aspects (#Labels) of your business;

2) an “Info” page with a description, photos, list of all your social media channels, and other businesses connected to your business;

3) an “Admin” page for setting up, modifying info, and distributing your CODCoins on the aspects (#Labels) you would like to target relevant CODers to them.

– Receive a customized COD Businesses Community Membership Certificate with your unique QR-CODe in a frame.
– Receive stickers with your unique QR-CODe.
– Receive CODCoins for CODers who evaluate your business from time to time.

2. Open CODCoin Credits to invite relevant CODers

  • Incentivize reviewers (CODers) that are credible and relevant for evaluating the targeted aspects (#Labels) of your products, services, profiles, and content
  • Easily create meaningful targeted marketing by distributing your Credits on targeted aspects (#Labels) of your business to attract more returning or new potential customers
  • Automatically have relevant and credible CODers get notified to come and give feedback on the targeted #Labels of your business
  • Our business clients can benefit from a 10% discount on their next CODCoin Credit purchase every time they introduce a new business client to COD.

Early Adopter Businesses Promotion (Valid until January 2025):

  • Design, develop, and maintenance of your business website.
  • Create and maintain your business social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & What’s app).

COD Technologies

Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Advanced & Scalable
Software Architecture
Information Retrieval
&Data Mining
Digital Currency

COD WebApp

1. No installation required!

COD is a Web application accessible on WWW.COD.OOO on any browser of your device. No need to install our app – just click and you can start your journey.

2. Sign up/in

You can sign up and sign in for free simply by entering your email address and the Pin-CODe provided to your verified email.

COD Sign in page
3. COD Explorer

Explore products, services, profiles, content, or any other type of entity (called a COD) that has been evaluated on COD. You can search for them by their title or explore them by filtering the characteristics (#Labels) you’re interested in.

COD Explorer
4. COD #Labels

Review the a) title, b) type, c) community, d) information, e) social connections, f) reference link for accessing or ordering, and g) different #Label categories and aspects that an entity can be evaluated by.

COD #Labels
5. Voting

Vote on different aspects (#Labels) assigned by the system or by the other CODers by clicking on the thumbs up or thumbs down if you agree or disagree with the relevance of that specific #Label to this entity.

Add new #Labels that you think might be more relevant to this entity by clicking on the blue link.

6. Credibility

Check the Credibility you earned or lost on each #Label that you contributed to. Your Credits page is accessible with the navigation bar on the bottom of the WebApp on your phone and with the side menu on your computer.

My Credit page
7. Wallet

Check on the number of CODCoins you earned and the other missions you completed on the My Wallet page.

Your Wallet page is accessible with the navigation bar on the bottom of the WebApp on your phone and with the side menu on your computer.

My Wallet page
8. Missions

CODers receive invitations to the COD Missions page in order to give their feedback on the #Labels of some specific services, products, or contents, earning money in exchange. Since the opinions of more credible CODers are more reliable for evaluating the targeted #Labels, credible CODers earn more by giving their honest feedback.

The Missions page is accessible with the navigation bar on the bottom of the WebApp on your phone and with the side menu on your computer.

9. COD Communities

All evaluated services, products, and content of each specific brand are collected under a community.

Services, products, and content for evaluation (called CODs) under each community may be public or private (either accessible for all CODers or only the CODers who are members of that specific community).

CODers can join Public Communities for free. Joining Private Communities is only possible through invitation links sent to eligible CODers.

You can access the Communities page through the navigation bar on the bottom of the WebApp on your phone and through the side menu on your computer.

COD Communities

COD Team

Saman Kamran
Saman Kamran

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Masiar Babazadeh
Masiar Babazadeh

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Maja Jovicic
Maja Jovicic

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

Parsa Farsi
Parsa Farsi

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Shiva Mostajeran
Shiva Mostajeran

Marketing & Sales Researcher

Lucie Cossia
Lucie Cossia

Ambassadors Representative

Antoine Sochat
Antoine Sochat

Chief Sales Officer (CSO)

Ghazaal Hoseini
Ghazaal Hoseini

Content & PR Manager

Kirollos Malek
Kirollos Malek

Content Creator

Valerian Soubriez
Valerian Soubriez

Sales Representative

Léon Munnier
Léon Munnier

Sales Representative

Omar Salama
Omar Salama

Sales Representative

* We are hiring Experienced French-speaking Sales Persons in Paris. Please send us your CV and Motivation Letter at: JOIN@COD.OOO

COD Awards

COD Supporters

Contact Us


COD Technologies Sagl
Via Beltramina 19A
6900 Lugano


COD Solutions Sarl
229 rue Saint-Honoré
75001 Paris, France

Don't miss this opportunity!